Journey to Kristen

The story of our adoption of our new daughter, Kristen. We are so excited to be welcoming her home from South Korea! Check back for updates and to hear all about our travel and Kristen arriving home at last!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Getting ready to celebrate!

Tomorrow my newest "baby" will celebrate her first birthday with her family, in her new country. What a bittersweet day...of course we are thrilled that she is here and we are ready to party with her. But, especially because she was older coming here, I am sad for all that she lost when we left Korea. No one in our family has celebrated a birthday since she has been home - will she understand what is happening? What did she do for all her other birthdays? We have some pictures of her last celebration in Korea, but what about all the others? They will always be question marks...just another in a long list of her life. And of course I think of her first mom. I am so thankful she carried our Kristen and gave her life. I pray that she knows that her baby has a family now and that we love Kristen so much.

Her daddy is busy building her big present from us - it was a bigger undertaking than he imagined. ;) I'm not going to give away the surprise, but he is getting close to being done after about two hours.

We have made cupcakes to take to school tomorrow for treats. Kristen picked out little stars to put on them.

Last year this was such a sad, sad day for me. I am so excited to celebrate with her this year! It was so hard to pick what to give her! I literally wandered around the toy department saying, "We could get this, or this, or she might like this." I think we settled on something that will be a big hit, though. I will update with pictures and the big scoop tomorrow!